Cool School: St. Stephen Elementary

St. Stephen Elementary students are leading the way. They are in tune and marching to academic success. We’re in Berkeley County for our Cool School of the week.

They call it a true hidden gem in Berkeley County. St. Stephen Elementary has more than three hundred students in three-year-old Head Start through fifth grade. SSES is the oldest “Leader in Me School” in Berkeley County. In addition, they are a “Leader in Me Light House School,” among only three thousand in the world.

Fifth-grade student Brian Springs says, “The Seven Habits keeps the school in check. Many people are kind and help each other out. We have many great teachers that help students learn and grow.”

Dr. Elaine Graham is in her 19th year as leader of SSES. She says, “We are an award-winning school in several areas. We’re a Palmetto Showcase school. We are a Red Carpet School. Most recently, we were recognized as the elementary school in Berkeley County that has the most growth in math. Overall on our state report card, we’re reported as “Good,” which is good for an elementary school. We’re closing the achievement gap with all of our students, especially in grades three, four, and five.”

When it comes to extracurricular activities, the Rams never miss a beat with their award-winning marching Ram Drum Unit Band and Golden Tones Chorus. Dr. Graham says, “We are so proud of our Rams Drum Unit, first and only elementary marching band in Berkeley County.” With the Golden Tones Chorus in tune, students keep perfect notes, on stage and in the classroom.

Fifth-grade student Kyleigh Wright says, “St. Stephen Elementary is like my second home, because of all the cool teachers, also our very cool principal, and also chorus which I am in, really cool to have extracurriculars. My school is cool because of everything we do, and it’s not only work, but we also have fun.”

The school’s Wings after-school program is the only free, full-service aftercare program in the district. In addition to Backpack Buddies, and a food market, every student has a student club they attend monthly. 

Fourth-grade teacher and Cool School Teacher Kimberley Whitaker says, “St. Stephen Elementary is a wonderful place. We have hometown atmosphere, family atmosphere, and we strive to be a beacon in our community.”

Dr. Graham invites everyone to visit to see what St. Stephen Elementary is all about. “Actually is a wonderful school, located here in rural Berkeley County. We have some of the best teachers in Berkeley County here and we have a very very small turnover rate. Once people come, they never leave. They just love it here. Come visit us. You are in for a treat. Great things are happening here at St. Stephen Elementary!”

If you would like to nominate a Cool School or educator, send an email to Octavia Mitchell at [email protected].