Free Narcan kit distribution in Goose Creek

GOOSE CREEK, S.C. (WCBD) – On Tuesday, Narcan kits will be provided for free at a curbside pickup at the Goose Creek Police Department horseshoe.

The kits are free for anyone at risk or for those that care for someone at risk of an overdose. You do not have to be a Berkeley County Resident to qualify.

You must pre-register for the kits before you can pick them up. Complete this form to reserve your kit. Once done, you will receive a video via email that shows you how to use Narcan.

The pick up is Tuesday from 11 AM until 1 PM and 5 PM until 7 PM.

The distribution is provided by the Ninth Circuit Solicitors Office, Kennedy Center, and Wake up Carolina.

Solicitor Scarlett Wilson says drug use has increased since the beginning of the pandemic and these kits can save lives.

“Unlike in the past where you sat in a class, you sat with other people, that might have been intimidating for other people to realize maybe that person has an issue or maybe they have someone in their family… they don’t want to broadcast all of their private business and making this a drive-thru helps with that,” Wilson stated.

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