CHECK IT OUT: Lowcountry sisters featured on Today Show for hand-crafted clay jewelry
LADSON, S.C. (WCBD) – Handmade jewelry at a Lowcountry shop is flying off the “virtual shelves” after being featured on the Today Show.
Carlene Browner and Cassandra Browner Richardson are the dynamic duo behind BR Design Co. The sisters learned how to make clay jewelry from their mother, known as “Queenie Bee.”
PHOTO CREDIT: @anerisphotos -
“Queenie Bee”
The Browner sisters moved to the Lowcountry over 20 years ago, while Queenie Bee remains in their hometown in South Georgia.
The duo says they are proud the passion they’ve shared with their mother for so many years is still such a big part of their lives. They’ve also incorporated tiny bumble bees as a tribute to Queenie Bee in a number of their designs.
“This helps us stay connected to her,” says Cassandra, “It helps us remember so many things that we’ve done in the last 40 years.”
By day, Carlene is a first grade teacher of more than 20 years and Cassandra has been a nurse for over 30 years. Whenever they aren’t working, you can likely find them designing in their home studio.
“It just gives me some relaxation of actually using my hands and molding the clay,” says Carlene.
All of their earrings are made by hand; even the intricate patterns. Cassandra says she has spent days just making 1 floral print with extreme detail.
After their feature aired on the Today Show, orders started rolling in. Only a handful of their earrings remain on their site. Both say they owe all of their success to the one and only Queenie Bee.
“She’s so happy. And it’s sort of like the awards and recognition she didn’t receive. That’s the best part for us — I mean, no matter what — the magazine or the Today Show today — it was all for her,” says Cassandra.

The Browner sisters have already been passing along the tradition to the youngest member of the family, Cassandra’s 21-year-old daughter. They say she’s coming home from college to help with the influx of orders!
To learn more about BR Design Co, click here.