Sounds of sacrifice: Musicians celebrate Memorial Day across the Lowcountry
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD)- The sounds of sacrifice were heard across the Lowcountry on Monday as musicians paid tribute to fallen heroes.
For many, this was the first concert they’ve been able to attend since the beginning of the Pandemic. Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg says the Charleston Concert Band sent chills down his spine.
“We’re enjoying our freedom — ladies and gentlemen — we owe that freedom who gave their lives so that we could enjoy this day right here,” he says.
The Charleston Concert Band is conducted by Basil Kerr. He described their performance at Hampton Park as melancholy; both solemn and sweet.

“It was like a family reunion for all of us to come back out and be a community once again and not be cooped up in our homes in our little bubbles,” says Kerr.

Across the Ravenel, 6 local musicians decided to meet and perform Taps on the U.S.S. Yorktown as a part of ‘Taps Across America.’ Whitney Cordell and her daughter both brought their trumpets.
“I wanted to show my daughter what this day is all about. Honoring people who have fallen for our country,” she says.
Both performances can be seen as a small gesture with a big message: honoring the estimated 1 million veterans who have died since the 1st Memorial Day in 1864.