“Power Book IV: Force” Episode 8 Review

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz
One thing you can always expect from any show in the Power Universe is for there to be a game changing eighth episode and that’s exactly what we got this week from Power Book IV: Force.

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz
“He Aint Heavy” starts with Dahlia being the talk of the town. Everybody is trying to get their hands on the new version of the drug that has Chicago in a frenzy. Tommy (Joseph Sikora) comes to the conclusion that they’ll need more hands on deck to continue producing enough product to keep the streets fed. This puts Tommy in a situation where he goes against what he said earlier in the season. He makes JP (Anthony Fleming) apart of the team and his role will be to work with Liliana (Audrey Esparza) and Lauryn (Chanell Bell) in the lab. Tommy wasn’t done putting family members on. The next person he gave an opportunity was his nephew, D-Mac (Lucien Cambric). Tommy was impressed with D-Mac’s knowledge of numbers and hired him on the spot. While Tommy was getting closer to one relative, he ended up losing one. JP and Tommy’s grandmother Miriam passed away right after a visit from JP. The death of their grandmother caused JP to urge Tommy to call their mother Kate.
Little mfer could be top of his class at Harvard but want to be a runner
#PowerBookIV #PowerForce pic.twitter.com/izdzPr6GeR
— ♡
(@bryte_davies) March 27, 2022

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz
CBI is in a very weird place at the moment. One second it seems as if the brothers are on the same page and then the next, Jenard (Kris D. Lofton) is doing something behind Diamond’s back. Diamond (Isaac Keys) asks Jenard what he would do if he was still running CBI and Jenard responds by saying he would expand and invest in the new drug. He speaks hypothetically but he is already making these things happen. He is so adamant about getting Dahlia all to himself that he ends up killing a Hasidic Jews and takes the product that he has. Jenard takes the drugs and again meets up with the Gary crew but this time to let them try Dahlia. After sampling it, cousin Buddy (Freddie Gibbs) is all in and in return, Jenard informs him that he’s going to need their guns and strength in numbers soon enough. All of this is happening right under Diamond’s nose. He might partly be distracted because of his relationship with Adrienne (Blyth Howard), who finally told Diamond her real identity. Although his mind has been elsewhere as of late, Diamond’s head was still on straight enough to turn down a proposition from Claudia (Lili Simmons) though. She offered him a 10% deal. When will Claudia learn not to go behind Tommy’s back?
Why did I think Dahlia was going to make cousin Buddy eye go straight after he hit it.
#PowerForce #PowerBookIV #PowerTV #Tommy pic.twitter.com/cP0UzDyB7u
— lildebnosnackcake (@lildebnosnckcke) March 27, 2022

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz
She wasn’t the only Flynn to try and make a proposition on this episode either. Her father Walter, who we seen get diagnosed with cancer, extended an invitation to Tommy for him to join their organization. Tommy rudely declines before telling Walter about himself. He tells Walter that there is nothing wrong with Vic and Gloria’s relationship. He says that Walter is the problem. Tommy realizes that Vic and Gloria are not safe in Chicago and after coming up with a perfect getaway for the two, he goes to Vic’s house to warn him. Vic is skeptical at first but eventually comes around to it. One thing Vic didn’t come around to was spying on his sister. Walter asks Vic to figure out what Claudia was into and with who. Vic saying no caused another argument between the father and son. Paulie let Walter know that he is pushing his kids away further instead of bringing them in. We also learn that Walter wanted Gloria killed in the past but Paulie (Guy Van Swearigen) called it off.
Man Walter different
how the fuck you get told you have lung cancer and smoke another cig
#PowerForce #PowerBookIV pic.twitter.com/f2gBFaDUNC
— (Philly4LiFe)West
(@philly215bull) March 27, 2022

Source: Courtesy STARZ / Starz
The episode ends with Tommy following D-Mac to get better knowledge of who he’s going to be working with now. Tommy sees D-Mac burying a box. Tommy goes to open the box and sees a picture of a young D-Mac and JP and for the first time, realizes who he is. It took one of the more heartbreaking moments of the season so far for Vic to realize that Tommy wasn’t lying when he came to warn him earlier. While on their way out of Chicago to start their new life together, Vic and Gloria are ambushed by the Serbs. The shooter sprays Vic’s car and in the process shoots Gloria in the face, causing her death. The jaw dropping death is sure to shake things up and make the last two episodes action packed.
Vic and Tommy gonna kill them all for Gloria #PowerForce pic.twitter.com/RN1VDRBLX7
— RMJNewton321 (@MJNewton321) March 27, 2022
Now that we’ve seen her on camera, when will Kate Egan come to Chicago and what other secrets does she have? What will Tommy do with the information he now knows about his nephew? Is Diamond going to find out about what his brother has been doing behind his back? Be sure to tune in next week to get these answers and more and let us know what your predictions for next week are in the comments below.