Courtside Brooklyn Nets Fans Wear “FIGHT ANTISEMITISM” Shirts Amid Kyrie Irving Controversy
The NBA season is still very young but the Brooklyn Nets are struggling in more ways than one.
Kyrie Irving‘s already under fire for promoting an antisemitic movie called Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America via tweet.
He’d eventually delete the tweet, after getting pushback from Nets ownership. But now, Brooklyn fans who happen to have floor seats took a stand at last night’s game against the Indiana Pacers.
The fans’ action came after Nets guard Kyrie Irving took to Twitter to post a link to a movie described by The Associated Press as including “anti-Jewish tropes.”
— ABC News (@ABC) November 1, 2022
Right next to the scorer’s table was a row of people –some wearing yarmulkes– donning black shirts with white text that read “FIGHT ANTISEMITISM.”
Even though some of the photos look a bit awkward, the video of Irving interacting with the fans made it so social media and the two parties appeared to have a friendly conversation.
Irving can even be heard after approaching the fans saying, “I’m grateful for you. It’s nice to see you guys here.”
The fans then thanked Kyrie as he got back to the game.
The controversy began last week when Kyrie began promoting the book which reportedly attempts to uncover the true identity of the Children of Israel by adhering to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. That movement lives by the notion that Black people are the true decedents of the ancient Israelites with extremists saying Black people have been robbed of their identity and that Jews are responsible for slavery.
According to Rolling Stone, the book also includes that “high-ranking Jews” have worshipped Satan and Lucifer and disproportionately control the media and banking industries.
The Brooklyn Nets were quick to swear off the ideas touted by Irving.
“The Brooklyn Nets strongly condemn and have no tolerance for the promotion of any form of hate speech. We believe that in these situations, our first action must be open, honest dialogue. We thank those, including the ADL, who have been supportive during this time.”