Dorchester Co. family meets ADT representative, first responders who saved their lives

DORCHESTER COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – The Conlin Family was home one night in October when suddenly their carbon monoxide detector started going off. Initially, they ignored the alarm, but then, they got a call from an ADT representative telling them to evacuate immediately.

“Hello,” Brandon Conlin said.

“ADT Security,” ADT representative Keiundra Aldridge said. “I’m calling in regards to a carbon monoxide alarm.”

“Yeah, we’re fine,” Conlin said. “Everything’s in here. We can’t get it to turn off. We’ve been trying to get it to turn off for a little while.”

Carbon monoxide is known as the “silent killer.”

“For your safety,” Aldridge said, “I would suggest you to get yourself and everyone out the house. We do have to contact the fire department so that they can come out there and test your home and make sure there’s no CO detected.”

And while things might seem normal at home, trained specialists like Aldridge know how dangerous the situation can be.

“She said, ‘I need everybody out of the house,’” Conlin said. “And so, it’s me and my wife, we have two small boys and then we have three dogs, and so all of us got out.”

After getting the family to safety, Aldridge got emergency crews to their home.

“This is ADT Security calling to notify of a carbon monoxide alarm,” she said.

Wednesday, Aldridge flew in from Texas and the Conlin Family was able to meet her at their Dorchester County home for the first time.

“One of the firemen,” Conlin said, “even came out and said, ‘Listen, it’s good you had these things because I’ll tell you what, you guys would’ve went to bed tonight and none of you would’ve woke up tomorrow morning.”

Aldridge was awarded the ADT LifeSaver Award for assisting the Conlin Family and ADT also donated $5000 to Dorchester County Fire Rescue.

“I didn’t even know,” Conlin said, “she had worked for less than two months when this happened, and I mean, she did a fantastic job. I appreciate the Dorchester Fire Department. Those guys were fantastic.”

Conlin, who works for ADT himself, says this is the first time in the company’s history that the LifeSaver Award has been given for saving the life of one of their own employees.