Getting To Know: What Advice Would You Tell Your 15-Year-Old Self?

Amanda Seales (2023)

Source: Photosbyrome LLC / Radio One Digital

The Amanda Seales Show is expanding at a rapid rate, and will soon be hitting the Houston area via 97.9 The Box!

Here’s a quick reminder from the head honcho herself:


RELATED: Amanda Seales Show ‘When Will The Tasing Stop?’ | EPISODE31

In the meantime, check out the latest segment of “Getting To Know” where you slowly get more acclimated with both Amanda and her co-host DJ Nailz. This week they question the best advice to give to your 15-year-old self given all the knowledge that you’ve developed so far.

Well, what would you say?

Take a look below at this week’s “Getting To Know” on The Amanda Seales Show: