Mount Pleasant officials, neighbors discuss proposed Mathis Ferry trail

MOUNT PLESANT, S.C. (WCBD) – Neighbors living in Mount Pleasant came to Town Hall Tuesday evening to hear details of phase one of the Mathis Ferry Trail Project.

The Town of Mount Pleasant is seeking the public’s input for a recently proposed walking and biking trail.

“Tonight,” James Aton, Mount Pleasant’s deputy director for transportation improvement projects, said, “we’re hosting the Mathis Ferry Trail Project that runs about a mile long from Fifth Street to Eagle Street along Mathis Ferry Road.”

The town is looking to secure funds for the trail through a program designated for enhancing greenspace throughout Charleston County.

“This is a required public meeting as part of the Greenbelt application process,” Aton said, “which is money that the county provides to local municipalities to purchase right-of-way for greenspaces such as trails or parks.”

Frequent bike rider and Mount Pleasant resident Robert Tibbetts believes the proposed trail would be very beneficial to the area.

“I have four small children and they like to bike,” Tibbetts said, “and I think it’s a chance for us to connect the communities.”

But, Tibbetts also understands those who have voiced their concerns about the project.

“I totally respect making sure that every person that has the path a part of their house and their property,” he said, “that they have a chance to make sure it’s done correctly and appropriately.”

Mount Pleasant town councilman Gary Santos attended Tuesday’s meeting and heard from those concerned neighbors.

“This is why we’re having these meetings,” Santos said. “We want people to come out and voice their opinions, their concerns on things so that while we’re designing it, we can follow and find out what are those concerns so that we can mitigate them, and really make this a bike path for all of our citizens.”

Santos says the addition of the Mathis Ferry Trail would be a great way to encourage people to explore the town, and reduce traffic in the area.

“Give our citizens opportunities to get out and get some exercise,” he said, “but not only that, but when you’re going down the street for something, you can take a bike or walk or run, without having to get in your car all the time.”

A survey has been posted on the town’s website for those who couldn’t make Tuesday’s meeting, and that survey will close on Friday, March 17th.