Charleston County House Delegation to hear testimony on recent CCSD Board of Trustees actions

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – The Charleston County House Delegation has called a meeting to discuss recent controversial personnel actions taken by some members of the Charleston County School Board of Trustees.

Five board of trustees’ members voted in favor of placing newly hired Superintendent Dr. Eric Gallien on paid administrative leave – citing a personnel matter, not hiring Michelle Simmons to serve as Chief Academic Office, and the removal of several members of the Health Advisory Committee.

The Charleston County House Delegation will discuss and receive testimony regarding those actions during a meeting that will be held at North Charleston City Hall. The meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. in the third-floor council chambers.

A copy of the meeting notice was provided to Dr. Gallien through his counsel, the Board of Trustees, and the acting superintendent of schools. They are invited to participate.

Community members are also invited to provide comment on these issues. Those who wish to address the House Delegation are asked to sign up in advance by providing their name and information to delegation staff and are asked to limit their comments in scope and duration as instructed by Chairman Leon Stravrinakis.

Senate Delegation members are invited to attend.