Playoff Hotties: The 25 Sexiest Players In The NFL, According to Recent Study

Source: Icon Sportswire / Getty
With the NFL Playoffs in full swing, the majority of America are cheering on their favorite teams as they advance through the bracket, hoping to get a shot at the Super Bowl. Without a doubt, these warriors of the gridiron have been working tirelessly on the field, snagging touchdowns and major tackles along the way.
However, we also have to point out that a lot of these men are looking incredibly good while doing it.
With this in mind, online casino site Gamblino has conducted a study on the hottest NFL players of the 2023-2024 season. Using Ranker’s list of the NFL’s hottest players of 2023 as a base, Gamblino ran each player’s image through AttractivenessTest, which predicts how humans would rate someone’s facial attractiveness on a scale of 0 to 10.
Gamblino also utilized the nine most recent Instagram posts of each player, calculating the total number of comments with the “heart-eyes” emoji ().
Finally, they retrieved each player’s height from the NFL website, with taller players up to 6’5 receiving a higher score. (Interestingly, players that are taller than 6’5 are marked lower.)
These factors determined the overall attractive score (out of 100) for each player. And thus, the list was born!
(Keep in mind, this is based on Gamblino’s findings. Not ours.)
And now, here are 25 of the hottest NFL players of the 2023-2024 season!
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