Worst. Flight. Ever. : Delta Flight Forced To Turn Around After Maggots Fell From Overhead Bin

If you thought “snakes on a plane” were horrible… wait until you hear this story.
A Delta Airlines flight on Tuesday, February 13, was traveling from Amsterdam to Detroit, MI. According to The Independent, one hour after take-off, a passenger’s suitcase containing rotting fish opened up in the overhead bin, resulting in maggots falling onto some very unfortunate passengers in economy class.
One passenger, identified as “Kelce,” took to X to comment.
“really lovely to be 2 hours into an 8 hour @Delta to amsterdam and find out there is rotten fish and maggots hitching a ride with us.”
Kelce revealed to the Daily Mail that the person responsible for the disgusting suitcase was identified and detained. After all the passengers deboarded, the bag was destroyed and the plane was deeply cleaned.
As compensation, passengers were given 8,000 air miles, hotel room compensation, and a $30 meal ticket for overnight delays… which, in our opinion, is CLEARLY not enough if you had even one maggot land on your head mid-flight.
We have so many questions, but the main one is…. HOW?!
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