Rabid bat exposes dog to rabies in Summerville, health officials say

DORCHESTER COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – State health officials say a bat found near a Summerville neighborhood tested positive for rabies and exposed a dog.

The new SC Department of Public Health (DPH) confirmed the bat was found near Crooked Stick Court Buremda Run. The dog exposed will be quarantined, as required by South Carolina law. No people were reportedly exposed.

Department officials define exposure as direct contact through broken skin (from a bite) or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, or mouth with saliva or brain/nervous system tissue from the infected animal.

The flying mammal was turned in to the state health department on Monday and confirmed to have rabies on Tuesday.

“Rabid bats have been known to transmit the rabies virus,” said Terri McCollister, Rabies Program director. “People don’t always realize they or a pet have been bitten since bat teeth are tiny and bites are easy to overlook.”

Although you probably won’t be able to tell a bat has rabies just by looking at it, some unusual behavior can indicate something’s off, including daytime activity, inability to fly, and being found in unusual places like on the lawn or in a home.

In 2024, officials say there have been 38 confirmed rabid animal cases in South Carolina. This is the first this year for Dorchester County.