Hundreds of road issues reported to SCDOT during and after Tropical Storm Debby

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) — The South Carolina Dept. of Transportation has received hundreds of work order submissions for state-maintained roads in the Lowcountry, as the area recovers from Tropical Storm Debby.

While some work order requests could be for issues that existed before the storm, data from SCDOT shows almost 1,000 work order requests combined for roads in Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester, and Colleton counties between Aug. 6 and Aug. 20.

There were 421 work order submissions over the two-week time frame in Charleston County. In Berkeley County, there were 267 submissions. Colleton County had 168, and Dorchester had 135 submissions.

Work order submissions could be for many different kinds of issues including repairing damage to curbs, shoulders, driveways, pipes, sidewalks, signs, drainage structures, and walls/fences, as well as for potholes, ditches that need to be cleaned out or for trees/limbs that need to be removed.

After dealing with heavy rainfall and flooding, drivers in the Lowcountry may need to watch for new potholes that have formed.

According to transportation officials, it is not uncommon for these issues to pop up after storms because water can get through cracks in the road and impact the structural support. Then, as more cars and trucks drive over these roads, a new pothole can eventually form.

If drivers see an issue on a state-maintained road they are urged to submit a work order with SCDOT or call the customer service hotline at (855)-467-2368. You can find out if a road is maintained by the state here.