Holiday candlelight vigil held for survivors of homicide

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – The 23rd annual Survivors of Homicide Candlelight Vigil was held at Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church Friday evening by honoring families affected by violence.

“We light this candle to begin this service,” Spike Coleman, pastor of Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, said.

Remembering those lost to violence.

“This event brings together survivors of homicide as well as vehicular homicide,” founder of the Survivors of Homicide Support Group Easter LaRoche said. “We come together during the holidays because that the holidays can be very challenging for homicide survivors.”

Each year the vigil carries a different message. This year’s theme is “community.”

“We are all seeking and struggling to build a better future for ourselves,” LaRoche said, “but we are committed to building that future together as we reach out to each other in love.”

Keith Smalls, who lost his son to violence in 2016, says the group is family, there to support one another through all of their challenging times.

“Let go,” Smalls said, “it’s alright. Let it out. Cry. But put it back; what belongs to you, belongs to them. We can call them memories or whatever you want, but they belong to you.”

The group says the main thing they want homicide survivors to know is that they’re not alone this holiday season.

“I wish courage for you,” LaRoche said, “for you to know yourself. And I wish patience for you, to accept the truth. And I wish love for you, to complete your life.”

A reception was held in the fellowship hall following the vigil.