Gallery: Celebrating Love and Strength On Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday

Wishing a Happy Birthday to an activist who helped shape the Civil Rights movement as we know it today. As people honor and look back on Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and extraordinary vision, another person comes to mind – Coretta Scott King. The fellow civil rights leader and activist stood proudly by Dr. King’s side during his biggest triumphs and major setbacks. Through it all, the couple managed to inspire people and teach everyone about love, forgiveness and strength.

Their romance began in January 1952, after meeting through a mutual friend. After meeting the singer, Martin was engulfed by Coretta’s beauty and strong opinions of racial and economic injustice sweeping the nation. A year later, the two tied the knot and the rest is history.

King had this to say about Coretta in his autobiography:

“My devoted wife has been a constant source of consolation to me through all the difficulties. In the midst of the most tragic experiences, she never became panicky or overemotional. I have come to see the real meaning of that rather trite statement: a wife can either make or break a husband. My wife was always stronger than I was through the struggle. While she had certain natural fears and anxieties concerning my welfare, she never allowed them to hamper my active participation in the movement. Corrie proved to be that type of wife with qualities to make a husband when he could have been so easily broken. In the darkest moments, she always brought the light of hope. I am convinced that if I had not had a wife with the fortitude, strength, and calmness of Corrie, I could not have withstood the ordeals and tensions surrounding the movement.”

Isn’t black love grand?

Even after their tragic departures, Martin and Coretta have continued to inspire many with their mutual love and respect for one another.

Check out some photos of the iconic couple in the gallery below.

PHOTO & VIDEO CREDIT: Getty, News Inc.