Shocking End To Chicago Hot Dog Stand Shooting As Charges Dropped Against Mom And Shooter Son

Chicago, Jeremy Brown, Carlishia Hood, 14-year-old, son, Maxwell Street Express, verbal altercation, Newsletter, shooting

Source: Darnitrea Wiley / Darnitrea Wiley


Some murder cases aren’t as cut-and-dried as “you did the crime, you do the time.” From the accused party’s intent behind murder to recalibrating the entire investigation in the event that exonerating evidence is discovered, it goes without saying that, well, killing can get a little complicated.

Take a recent Chicago shooting that occurred last week for example, where a mother and her 14-year-old son were both facing murder charges after a 32-year-old man was gunned down following a verbal dispute they had at a hot dog stand on the South Side.

However, it appears that the murdering mother/son duo are now off the hook after prosecutors shockingly decided to drop all charges following the introduction of “emerging evidence.”

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The initial account of events and disturbing video captured of the altercation itself (seen above) all pointed to signs of premeditated murder. From the alleged text that 35-year-old Carlishia Hood sent her teen son with instructions to bring the gun in the restaurant to reports that now-deceased Jeremy Brown was repeatedly shot in the back while trying to flee, many would consider this to be an open-and-shut case. Things didn’t exactly go as expected though.

More on this mouth-dropping legal decision below, via The Chicago Sun-Times:


“Carlishia Hood, 35, appeared in court Thursday on charges of first-degree murder and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Judge Barbara Dawkins ordered Hood held on $3 million bail.

Hood’s next court date had been set for next month, but prosecutors scheduled a hearing Monday, when they announced they were dropping all charges. They later announced that murder chargers against the teen have also been dismissed.

‘In light of emerging evidence, today the Cook County state’s attorney’s office has moved to dismiss the charges against Carlisha Hood and her 14-year-old son,’ the office said in a statement.

‘Based upon the facts, evidence and the law, we are unable to meet our burden of proof in the prosecution of these cases,’ it added.”


Illinois was the last U.S. state to legalize the concealed carry of arms, but the person must be over 21 with proper identification, training certification and zero convictions within the past five years. According to prosecutors, Hood has a valid Firearm Owners Identification card, a carry permit and no previous criminal record. Still, with details that state she “told her son to keep shooting Brown and to kill him” and also is “accused of telling her son to then shoot Brown’s girlfriend and of trying to take the gun from her son,” it baffles even our minds how she was able to get herself and the kid off scot-free even with playing the self defense angle.

It’s also worth asking yourself: what lengths would you go to in order to protect your mom?


Was justice served in this shooting death case out of Chicago? Let us know your thoughts, and see what others had to say on social media below:


1. charges were rightfully dropped against the Chicago Mom + her son who protected/saved her 🙌🏾

via @TheCourtKim

2. It is the job of the State of Illinois and City of Chicago to protect this young boy and his mother from animals like this. Not arrest them for protecting themselves when the government has repeatedly failed them and everyone else Do they have a good attorney? Is there a gofundme?

via @victimsrightsNY

3. Yall know I’m vocal on men abusing women—especially physical abuse. It’s cowardly and disgusting. May Jeremy Brown rot in hell and may #CarlishiaHood and her son live happily ever after. Well done, kid. Protect your family at all costs. You’re a fucking hero 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

via @ksal216

4. All this discourse around the #CarlishiaHood situation proves how bitch-made alot of men are… blaming this woman for that man’s lack of self control and violent nature is wild but not surprising… this display of bitchassery is why Women are divesting from yall 🤣

via @NovaLuxurious

5. You negros shamming #CarlishiaHood’s son for defending her low-key sounds like some white supremacists who get enraged when Black people defend themselves against white supremacists and race soldiers. I get tho yall hate it when people stand up to dusty degenerates…

via @YBenjamin314

6. All praise to the highest! 🙏🏾 This whole situation could’ve been avoided as one of them should’ve walked away but dude was dead ass wrong for putting his hands on Carlishia Hood the way he did. It’s sad that Jeremy Brown lost his life tho.

via @KBDaVirgo

7. #CarlishiaHood eye clearly heard her tell her son get in the car! Does that sound like a woman who ordered her son 2 kill a man? If anything she was tryna protect her son from the bs! You trolls make me sick! Sum people don’t need to b here!just taking up unnecessary space!

via @G_Lynn_Official

8. Yall said that woman ruined her son’s life and made him crash out based on an interview from the AGGRESSORS gfs, just for all the charges to get dropped- hate that for yall. HAPPY FOR THEM

via @jiggyjayy2

9. Thank goodness those charges got dropped. Hope more men who beat up women get put down FOR GOOD

via @shOoObz

10. A Son should not lose his life for protecting his Mother. The charges have been dropped!!!!! Good!!!!

via @Jay_McGill94

The post Shocking End To Chicago Hot Dog Stand Shooting As Charges Dropped Against Mom And Shooter Son appeared first on Black America Web.