Willie Moore Jr. Opens Up About Adoption, Fave Gospel Record And The Return Of ‘Pretty Willie’

Willie Moore Jr.

Source: ione / iOne


Keeping the love for our REACH Media gang going strong, POTC had the absolute delight of having our brother from up the hallway stop by the show, the incredibly blessed and highly-favored Willie Moore Jr.!



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As head honcho of The Willie Moore Jr. Show, the Missouri-raised master storyteller felt right at home in our studio for an extended chat to address all the things he’s got on the horizon to share with listeners and the world alike. Whether it’s about getting back to his “Pretty Willie” days of making music or simply letting adopted kids like himself know how special they are as the “chosen” few, one things that’s for certain is that Willie’s heart, mind and career are all in a good place for positive trajectory.

Watch the full interview with Willie Moore Jr. on Posted On The Corner below to hear everything he’s got in store for us:



The post Willie Moore Jr. Opens Up About Adoption, Fave Gospel Record And The Return Of ‘Pretty Willie’ appeared first on Black America Web.