Full Term Love! Monie Love Gets Engaged at Alumni Reunion to Rezell Simmons
Monie Love was having one hell of a day Saturday at an Alumni event in Macon, GA that started with sweat and ended in tears! In the midst of her day not going so well, emotions being all over the place, and it being 105 degrees outside, nobody expected what was to come.
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Monie Love was proposed to on stage by her boyfriend, now fiancee, Rezell Simmons. Monie Love took to instagram to caption such a surreal moment.
“So let me start by saying I was in a TESTY mood yesterday.” Monie wrote. “IT was like 105 degrees and I’m very meticulous on arrangements on show days — plus coordinating with my manager and team ALUMNI, pulled off a change of clothes, plus getting his FOI Brothers in place, I JUST DNT KNOW!!! What I do know is YOU DID THAT Babe and I’m forever better because of it.”
You can see in the video they were running her ragged with the confusion trying to get Simmons on stage in position to propose without her seeing. First they said it was a lost edible, then somebody lost a child, it was hilarious, then somebody started cuttin’ onions!
The reactions amongst the comments were filled with love, happiness and well wishes.
The post Full Term Love! Monie Love Gets Engaged at Alumni Reunion to Rezell Simmons appeared first on Black America Web.