Southern Baptists expel Virginia church for believing women can serve as pastors

At the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Indianapolis, amidst preparations to vote on a formal prohibition of churches led by female pastors, delegates decisively chose to expel a church that embraces women in senior pastoral positions.

The delegates, known as messengers, cast a vote of 6,759 to 563 to remove First Baptist Church of Alexandria, a long-standing Virginia church supporting women in all pastoral capacities.

This action mirrors events from the previous year, where two churches, including a prominent California megachurch, faced expulsion from the convention, with a resounding 92% of messengers supporting the decision.

The Virginia congregation has been involved in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination since its 19th century founding and has contributed millions toward denominational causes.

“We find no joy in making this recommendation, but have formed the opinion that the church’s egalitarian beliefs regarding the office of pastor do not closely identify with the convention’s adopted statement of faith,” said Jonathan Sams, chair of the credentials committee.

The Alexandria church is currently led by a man, Robert Stephens.

Stephens said his church has had women in ministry for more than 44 years and wants to continue cooperating with Southern Baptists who disagreed on this issue.

For more information on the story refer to Associated Press who is the main source. [CLICK HERE}

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